
12 for 30 check in!

So after my birthday last month, I decided to set 12 goals for the next 12 months, until I turn 30. (I honestly didn’t care about turning 30 until it was upon me.) And today I’m checking in for my first month’s goal: Lose some weight (and get a scale so I can figure out how much…)

I can tell you straight up I failed at the second half of that goal. Never got a scale. But I did make some changes in my life to work on the first half:

  • I started paying a lot more attention to how I eat. This included keeping a food journal for a week, cutting down on snacking (especially snacking on chocolate chips!), looking for low-calorie but still healthy meals, and learning more about portion sizes nutrition. However, I’m not good at depriving myself for very long, so if I want to keep this up, I’ll definitely need to build in some sort of treat into my usual schedule.

  • I exercised. Ryan got a free subscription to Fitness magazine, and I’ve tried a couple of the toning workouts in there, which are supposed to be coupled with 2-3 aerobic/cardio sessions a week (and a healthy diet—also tried some of the recipes). The biggest drawback, aside from not being able to walk the first week, was that my appointed exercise time took the place of my appointed scripture study time. I have a really limited time to do those things (if Rachel catches me doing situps, she takes it as an invitation to sit on my stomach), so I need to figure out a better way to balance.
  • I had a goal in mind. I was asked to co-present the Best Novel by a New Author award at the Whitneys this year, so I wanted to look good. But more than that, I was tired of feeling fat. I didn’t look particularly fat, but I wanted to feel better.

And on that scale (since I don’t have any other kind, LOL), I do feel better (and I feel fat less often!). I think most of the changes food-wise will stick for a while now that I’m more cognizant of my diet. I’ll still have to figure out a good exercise schedule to make sure that sticks. (It really doesn’t help that I have to wait 2-3 hours after eating or drinking anything to exercise or I get stomach cramps!)

And for my May goal . . . I don’t know! I’m just trying to get through my big writing conference this weekend—then I can think about the rest of the month.

What goals are you working on?

Photo by Sean MacEntee

3 replies on “12 for 30 check in!”

good for you, Jordan! It is all about how you FEEL anyway. It is really interesting because some days I feel so STRONG during my workout and I LOVE that, and other days I feel so weak and that just makes me more aware of how far I have to go. It can all be helpful, though, right? Atleast that’s how I try to look at it. 🙂

Keep on trying! Sounds like you are going in the right direction. Isn’t there a scale in your other bathroom? There used to be.

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