
Be a Winner: Enter the MamaBlogga RSS Contest

Want to feel like a winner? What better way to feel like a winner than to actually win something? Subscribe to MamaBlogga today for a chance to win a one-year subscription to Parenting magazine. Each issue of Parenting comes with an issue of Sesame Street magazine for your children.

Already receive Parenting? We’ll gladly substitute a one-year subscription to another parenting or children’s magazine subscription or extend your current subscription by one year.

How to Win
It’s really easy: just subscribe to the MamaBlogga feed and receive updates via RSS. (If you don’t already have an RSS reader, I’d recommend Google Reader, a good way to get started, especially if you already have a Google or GMail account.)

Watch for a special message at the end of a post during the third week of April, visible only to our RSS subscribers. Write me an e-mail with the special message within 48 hours and you’ll be entered to win! The winner will be drawn at random from the e-mails I receive.

How to Win BIG
If we get more than 100 new subscribers, we’ll add a parenting book of your choice to your prize! So, once you’ve subscribed, get your friends to subscribe as well to increase your chances of winning big!

About Parenting
I like Parenting magazine. It’s targeted toward mothers of children aged from conception to 12 years old. In addition to useful articles on home organization, discipline, sleep and parenting skills and strategies, it also features recipes, toy reviews, tips, useful advice and (possibly my favorite part) a section on taking time for and caring for yourself. Even before Hayden was born, I was excited to find a new issue of Parenting in my mailbox. With Sesame Street magazine included, you might be able to keep your kids busy while you read!


  • Odds of winning depend on number of entries received.
  • I reserve the right to change anything in this contest as necessary.
  • Number of subscribers to be determined by FeedBurner.
  • If “big” prize is won, maximum value of parenting book to be determined by Jordan. But I’ll be reasonable.

3 replies on “Be a Winner: Enter the MamaBlogga RSS Contest”

We’ll talk, then.

ditto…on what Jaime said. 🙂 I’m pretty certain I won’t be a mother for at least four or five more years. 🙁

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