
Blog comments from start to finish

I’ve got so much information packed into old posts that sometimes even I forget what I’ve already written about. But I was talking to one of my sisters about comments on our craft blog the other day, and I remembered that I’d posted at least a couple times about blog comments on here. Yeah, it was more than a couple. Here are some of the highlights on my posts on blog comments

Four Ways to Encourage Comments on Your Blog
Are you making it harder for people to comment on your blog? Make it easier for people to comment (and get more comments?).

Protect Your Blog with a Comment Policy
You can protect your blog from comments that are mean-spirited or reveal sensitive information so easily—and never feel guilty for deleting those comments!

Subscribe to comments to follow blog conversations
Ever leave a comment on a blog post and want to see the replies? How easy is it to forget to come back later? Don’t let that happen with this easy trick!

Handling negative comments
It happens: people disagree. How can you handle it and move on when someone disagrees on your blog?

Follow through on comments
Show your commentators some love (and maybe get more comments?) by following through on your comments.

What’s your best advice on blog comments?