
Get on the potty train

Yeah, that’s how Hayden understood the phrase “potty training”—something about trains? And potties?

But he did a lot better with understanding the actual potty training. I saw this book in the library and although I was skeptical, I picked up Toilet Training in Less Than A Day. It took about two hours to read, and it still sounded too good to be true.

book-coverSo with a grain of salt, we sat down in the kitchen to learn about this potty train. Following the procedures of the book, Hayden taught a doll how to go potty, answered endless quizzes on potty procedures, regularly spent 10 minutes on his potty, and checked to see if his pants were wet.

And, um, it worked. He didn’t even really have an accident that first day, though it did take three hours before he went to the bathroom the first time, no matter how much drink I forced down his throat.

And then there was the next day. No accidents. And none the next day. And other than one bedwetting incident, no accidents the next week. This week, we’ve had one bed wetting incident.

Hayden now knows how to use his little potty, empty it into the big potty, flush, replace the bowl and wash his hands all by himself (though he does seem to like an audience still). When he’s in nursery or day care at the gym, he knows to ask his teachers for help. He still needs a little help with wiping, and we have to turn the light on for him (and really, he does like an audience), but often I don’t even know he’s gone until he shouts, “Mommy, I peed!”

So yeah. I can’t promise Toilet Training in Less Than A Day will work for everyone, but much to my surprise, it worked for us!


11 replies on “Get on the potty train”

We just potty-trained too, but not quite as accident-free as you. I’m just thankful that all of our incidents have been near-misses, where she’s trying to get there, but just doesn’t make it. If I had a kid who was oblivious/deliberate about accidents, I would FLIP.

(Oh, and I love the Elmo’s Potty Time DVD).

Congrats Hayden!

We’ll have to see how well this system works for Rebecca. She’s on the docket next week. I mean, she is ten months old today, so we’d better get hopping.

(Just kidding.)

That book didn’t *quite* work for my first. I didn’t have a full day alone with him, either, though, and in hindsight, he wasn’t ready (even though he was 3). I used a lot of the same techniques later on, and by #4, potty training was a breeze.

It was a nightmare for #2, though–she figured it out plenty easy, but it was a control thing. If she got mad at me, she’d purposely make a puddle on the floor. That was fun.

Oh, man—like Jane, I don’t know WHAT I’d do if it seemed like he was having accidents on purpose.

I’d really put off potty training at all because my idea was that I’d have to spend a week closely monitoring him for any sign he needed to go to the bathroom—I’d have to take a week off writing and work and PS the baby. But Ryan took care of Rebecca and Hayden and I chilled in the kitchen pretty much all day.

It was strange—this thing I was dreading so much ended up being one of the best days I’ve ever had as a mother. I think THAT was the biggest surprise.

I’m so proud of him. Give him a kiss and a hug from the lady that is married to his favorite uncle!

Way to go!

And I’ve put the book on hold at our library. We shall see. I’m a little tired of sticking my 2yo on the potty, leaving her there for 10 minutes, and then having her wee on the floor as soon as she gets off!

OK, I’ll be checking the library for this book! 🙂 My son talks a great game, but actually DOING anything on the potty is another story.

I’m talking about buying “good dirt” as a frugal tip for my WFMW post today… sounds silly, right? Stop by if you’d like to check it out! 🙂

It really brought back memories to read your post. I am the mother of five adult children, and many years ago we used the book you recommended when we were potty training them. It worked wonderfully for us – I am glad to see it is still in print, and that you found success with this method. Blessings!

I’m going to run out and buy this book today/tomorrow. Ford’s 2.5 and I’m not sure he’s “ready” but it’d be nice to potty train in the summer when he’s wearing less clothes. 🙂

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