
Top Ten for March

New around here? Check out the most popular posts from March:

  1. The biggest MamaBlogga Announcement Ever. In case you forgot: it’s a girl!
  2. The hunt for the perfect name. Well, actually, we’re looking for the perfect middle name (still).
  3. Hayden sings live: an awesome video.
  4. The guide to Haydenese: Hayden’s peculiar toddler-speak.
  5. Making a photo post: a collaborative how-to.
  6. Can it get any better? Most people said no.
  7. March/April Group Writing Project The finale fell in April.
  8. The little things that make us happy.
  9. Fashion maven: Hayden’s unusual sartorial choices.
  10. Look before you . . . cook: slow cooker + pen = trouble.