
One crazy day

Wow, it’s been a while on the pictures front. And after all those posts about great picture posts!

All these pictures were taken last Friday.

Hayden is a weirdo.

hayden is a weirdo: apron and hat

Where on earth does he get this from?

Ryan is a weirdo: apron and hat


And by popular request, my belly, as of a week ago (34 weeks/6 weeks till my due date):

baby belly, 34 weeks (Rebecca)

9 replies on “One crazy day”

Cute pictures. Am I ever jealous of your tummy! Granted, you’ve probably got more inside discomfort than I ever had to deal with. But still, I’m jealous. Congrats on being so close to the finish line:)

Are you sure you are even pregnant? We are spending a lot of money to come out there if you just had a big breakfast. mom

@Mom—if that’s my breakfast, something I ate is alive and wants back out!

At 34 weeks, I can’t see my feet. I was huuuge. You however have a very cute bump. Can’t wait to see the new mamablogga darling!

I agree about not seeing my feet at 34 weeks. I was a horse.

You look great! Oh, and your boys are adorable and so good at accessorizing!

I just can’t get over how tiny you are! Lucky girl! I haven’t had any children yet but I just know I’m going to be huge!

Thanks, ladies! I actually haven’t seen my feet for months (while standing, anyway), but that’s okay. I’m not that attached 😉 .

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