
The little things

Sometimes I feel like I won’t feel happy with motherhood until my children are grown and living good lives of their own—when my job is “done.” But not only is that kind of silly, it ignores the fact that I can be happy as a mother today.

And sometimes the things that make me happy as a mother are the tiny details that make a day go easier:

  • Hayden’s sippy is full when I get it out of the fridge
  • Hayden asks to read a book instead of watch TV
  • Hayden counts (two, pour, pie, tih, ten!)
  • Hayden goes down for a nap or bedtime peacefully
  • Hayden eats something after he’s asked for it.

What are the little things that make you smile and make your day go easier?

5 replies on “The little things”

*wrestle-free diaper changes
*Jeffrey accepting something he’s asked for without throwing a fit.
*folded laundry ready to grab out of the drawers.
*kids sleeping past 8:30
*Sunshine! so we can go outside and run out the energy.

It’s true that the little things can make such a big difference. Off of the top of my head, I’d say:
* the morning after I’ve braided Reid’s hair before bed
* the days when daycare is having a theme day and so there is only one outfit that needs to be considered
* the days when I work from home or my husband does since the staying home parent can then focus on getting Reid out the door

*when my son signs and says “please” and then gets a HUGE grin on his face!
*snuggles and hugs
*when my son asks to nurse and patiently waits for me to finish what I was doing before I sit down.
*when he crawls in to my lap to read a book.

I think you’re right–we need gratitude in the little things so that we can stay on an even keel.

And if you go through life with an attitude of gratitude, you’re more likely to find yourself peaceful and contented!

Ironically, I just finished a post about happiness over at To Love, Honor and Vacuum. You can read it here.

Have a great day!

NOW you’re talking!

I’d have to say some of mine right now are:
*watching my kids play happily together for hours (it does happen occasionally)
*hugs and kisses shared generously
*the feel of that soft little cheek against mine
*reading together
*finding some new activity or subject they love

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