
The naked truth

I was hanging out with two of my sisters a few weeks ago and we walked into Borders books. One of the greeting card displays near the front had the classic (cliché) card with a picture of a nakey baby’s bottom (oh, I can’t wait to see the Google traffic for typing that one).

One of my sisters said something about how cute that was.

I muttered, “I see enough of that already.”

3 replies on “The naked truth”

Yeah I totally agree with that sentiment. People buy them and send them to families who have infants and I’ve thought, anything except that. Rather than think nostalgic thoughts I just burst out laughing at the irony of the whole thing.

LOL! I have the same reaction to those cards : )

I have an award for you, Jordan, in my December 6th post… you’ll have to scroll down a bit : )

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