

I just realized that Hayden is eleven months old today… Happy eleven month day, little one!

Isn’t it funny how much your perception of your child changes over time? I thought he was the cutest baby when he was born. I thought he looked quite human-like. Wait… he is and he did. Nix the changing perception part.

Y’know how newborns can’t perceive that they’re distinct people from their mothers? It works in reverse, too, I think: mothers usually expect babies to be a.) just like themselves, b.) just like their (the babies’) fathers, or c.) both. That isn’t always the case.

I am reminded of this every time we’re out in public and Hayden is smiling at everyone he sees. Now that he’s started waving (which I think I still haven’t captured on video), he makes friends with strangers on a regular basis. Luckily, he hasn’t yet strayed from my or Ryan’s arms, but Hayden has absolutely NO stranger anxiety. I, on the other hand, don’t care for crowds or strangers.

He might grow out of it. But he just might grow up into his own person after all.


The gallery continues

More pictures from December: gotta get all the cute ones from last year posted and get on those from our trip.

Concert pianist (in his little tuxy for Jaime’s wedding)
Mom’s trying to indoctrinate baby on the subject of fiber arts
He likes his new sweater (still a bit big; I think it’ll fit him in the spring)

Yeah, that’s a toothbrush. What does he need that for?

Two new teeth! Can you see ’em? They’re huge!


Happy New Year

It’s that time again: New Year’s Resolution time. Sigh. Aside from the resolutions I make every year (increase my spirituality, be more patient, eat better), I’m not sure what else to resolve to do.

Then again, if I’m still making the same resolutions, maybe I should just focus on those.

Okay, here’s one more, which was a resolution last year, too, but I don’t feel so bad for not following through with all the change in my life last year: FLYlady.

And, of course, I resolve to find some sort of employment. I guess.

I hate telling people my New Year’s Resolutions; I like to keep them secret like a birthday wish. Of course, I suppose that if I don’t record them, they’re almost exactly like a birthday wish, but without the candles.

I prefer calling them goals. What are your goals for the year?