
Top things about toddlers

Now, I couldn’t leave Hayden out, could I? Although sometimes the toddler years are difficult, there are at least as may top things about them as there are best things about babies!

  • Seeing them being gentle and sweet with babies.
  • Three words: “I yub you!”
  • Toothy grins and “Tickle me, Mom!”
  • Spontaneous hugs and kisses
  • The beginnings of empathy (yesterday, he told me “Don’t cry, Mom!”)
  • The beginnings of imagination (can’t even begin to list all of his hilarious things he’s pretended this week!)
  • The all-out, full-body headlong run—especially when his little feet just can’t keep up.
  • Watching him learn every day, especially as he practices putting together sentences.
  • The mixture of baby and big boy that makes me happy to see how he’ll grow up, excited about how much he’s grown already and sad to see my baby fading already.

What were/are your favorite things about toddlerhood?


One way to lose the baby weight

About a month ago, I happened to weigh myself one morning. This doesn’t happen very often because I am afraid of becoming addicted to the scale, afraid of what it might say—and because I keep the scale in a cabinet in the guest bathroom.

But on this day, the scale was out so I stepped on. And, of course, at two and a half months post partum, I was disappointed with the reading—in fact, I’d even gained weight since the last time I’d ventured onto the scale.

That night, as Hayden brushed his teeth at the sink, I lamented to Ryan that I was still struggling with my weight. To illustrate my point, I stepped on the scale.

“Oh, I don’t believe this!” I exclaimed. “Since just this morning, I’m like ten pounds heavier!”

Ryan smiled sympathetically, reached out—and took Rebecca from my arms. That’s one way to lose the baby weight.


Veteran’s day!

I love Veteran’s day—not because I know any veterans per se, but because I understand how important it is to recognize that the freedoms we enjoy are maintained through of the willingness to sacrifice, and the actual sacrifices, of these noble men and women.

To all those who have served, do serve or will serve in our armed forces: thank you. Our history, our country and our freedoms would be drastically different without you.

Kids/Parenting Fulfillment

You don’t get it back

I think this quote pretty much speaks for itself. From A Touch of Wonder by Arthur Gordon, p. 77–78:

When I was around thirteen and my brother ten, Father had promised to take us to the circus. But at lunchtime there was a phone call; some urgent business required his attention downtown. We braced ourselves for disappointment. Then we heard him say [into the phone], “No, I won’t be down. It’ll have to wait.”

When he came back to the table, Mother smiled. “The circus keeps coming back, you know.”

“I know,” said Father. “But childhood doesn’t.”

What do you do to try to enjoy childhood today?


Best things about babies

In the beginning, nearly everything about babies is wonderful. A few months in, of course, and the novelty has worn off. Give it another year, and suddenly you miss nearly everything about the baby stage.

So before I forget too many of them, here are some of my favorite things about babies.

  • The sweet smell of baby! (And no, I don’t mean diapers!)
  • Fuzzy, downy hair, especially right after it’s been washed and dried.
  • Wide eyes taking in everything.
  • Tiny fingers, toes, ears, nose, mouth—and clothes.
  • Sweet, peaceful sleep (right up until I get a neck cramp)
  • Unfettered, unabashed smiles, happy squeals and cheerful posturing—especially the sheer joy at just seeing Mommy or Daddy.
  • The quiet moments.
  • Baby babbling.
  • The delight of discovering hands, then feet.

What are your favorite things about the baby stage?


My sweet little turtle

Rebecca, unfortunately, seems to be pathologically incapable of sleeping on her back. No matter how many times I read the SIDS studies to her, it just doesn’t seem to sink in. So, to keep the family peace, we let her sleep on her tummy.

However, sometimes she’s not quite content to just peacefully slip into dreamland. Instead, she squirms into a bit of a frenzy—especially when, as has happened a lot more frequently lately, her squirming rolls her onto her side or, heaven forbid, onto her back.

This is her cue to scream bloody murder.

Finally I realized what the problem is. My sweet little girl rolls onto her back and gets upset because she can’t get back to her comfortable sleep position.

She is, in fact, a turtle.