
Adapting to being a mom

I just found out there was at least one Group Writing Project entry that didn’t go through earlier. If you submitted your post but haven’t seen it listed in the daily-ish round ups, please try again!

Here’s our missed entry:

And here’s my contribution!

Before I was a mom, I had no idea.

I had no concept of having a little person who needs everything from me, and yet couldn’t give anything back.

I couldn’t imagine what it would be like when I couldn’t give a precious baby back to its mother—because I was the mom now.

I had no idea the panic that I’d feel as it set in that I would never go on “vacation,” get a “break,” or spend time alone with my husband.

Before I was a mom, I wanted kids—four of them. Now, I don’t know if I could handle that—some days I don’t know if I can handle the two I have!

I couldn’t fathom what it would be like to hold my child.

I didn’t know how “I love you ‘O MUCH!” or “Yer my fav’it!” or laughter would sound from the mouth of my child.

Before I had two children, I knew I would never be able to give any child the time and attention I’d given Hayden.

I didn’t know how sweet my son could be.

I never imagined how hearing “Becca is my bes’ fwen’ ever” or just “Werbecca” from my son would melt my heart.

Now that I’m a mom, I have no idea how exactly or how much my life will change as my kids grow older, as Rebecca learns to walk and talk, as Hayden goes to preschool and school, as our family grows. I know I’m not ready for it—but I’m finally beginning to believe we’ll all survive.

One reply on “Adapting to being a mom”

I wanted four, too! Now I go back and forth between wanting 4 or 5 to no more under any circumstances to none at all, depending on what kind of day it is:) Reading stuff like this brings on a mixture of sad, heartening, sympathetic, and excited emotions. I never expected being a mom would carry so much heartache with it. I’m sad to know that other moms struggle with it. But it’s really relieving to know that I’m not the only one.
Not only will you survive, you’ll thrive!

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