
Blog comments and you

At the blog conference I attended yesterday, there was a lot of discussion about blog comments. I want to know how you interact with blog comments. Please take this poll (and you can choose multiple answers!)

Thank you! And of course, feel free to leave your comments below!

8 replies on “Blog comments and you”

I wish I had more time to respond to each of the comments that people leave – I love it when other bloggers respond back to mine. I also wish that Blogger made it easy to respond back within comments or to get people’s email addresses to respond that way.

Engaging in conversation through comments has made my blog explode. I’ve learned from some really good blogging buddies that it is the ‘meat’ of your blog. Readers appreciate when you take the time to acknowledge what they’ve said, it shows that you are interested and in turn they come back again looking forward to their next conversation with you.

It really works!

I think the comments section is where blogs are built. Most of my readers have come to my blog through comments I have left on their blogs… you have to read to be read. Hope you had a great conference!

I love to get comments and I love to leave comments. I don’t typically read all of the comments on someone else’s blog posts especially if there are a lot.
For awhile I responded to comments within the comment section, but then I posted about something and found that people rarely remember to come back to check for a response, so I went back to emailing responses directly. I wish I had time to repspond to every single comment, but sometimes it’s overwhelming and I have to let some fall through the cracks. I try to ALWAYS respond to a new commenter though. 🙂

Great advice and responses, all!

Here’s a corollary—if you came to a blog post and saw that there were a few comments and that the blogger had responded to some or all of the comments, would you be more likely to join in the conversation?

i try to re-visit each person who comments on my blog. sometimes i write right in the comments on my own blog but usually i respond on their blogs, because i know how nice it feels to get comments. but i don’t usually “subscribe” to the comments because i feel like that’s too overwhelming for my email!

Yes, I would be more likely to join in on the conversation. It’s a good way to build relationship.

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