Fulfillment Faith

Interview with Shannon (Rocks In My Dryer)

Another one of the most popular parent bloggers has been gracious enough to answer a few questions for me—Shannon of Rocks In My Dryer. Yep, the home of Works-for-Me Wednesday, a weekly compendium of tricks and tips from around the momblogosphere. As always, we talked about motherhood, blogging and fulfillment.

How do you define fulfillment?

Doing what you were created to do, and doing it well.

How do you find personal fulfillment in your life?

I’m a mom, a wife, a Christian, a crafter, a reader, a writer (not all in that order—actually, the order changes almost daily!)

How do you find personal fulfillment through motherhood?

I reject the idea that a woman “defining herself” through her service to her children and husband is somehow demeaning, and that she’s bound to lose herself in the process. It doesn’t have to be true. One of my favorite quotes (I believe it’s from Ralph Waldo Emerson) is “When you serve another’s dreams, you will find your own fulfilled.” That is so profoundly true. I take great personal joy in taking care of the people I love. It fulfills me, it defines me, it makes my own life richer.

Anything parting thoughts?

I do think it’s important for a woman to find something she’s good at, something she enjoys, and pursue it with excellence. Blogging and sewing are two amazing outlets for me. For me personally, creating something (something I’ve sewn or written or given birth to!) is the most fulfilling thing in life.

Thank you so much, Shannon. I love your straight-to-the-point answers and your faith. You’ve hit on many of the themes I find as I examine fulfillment in my life, especially the creative impulse. Thanks again!

To read more of Shannon’s thoughts, visit Rocks In My Dryer, one of the most popular parenting blogs around—and with good reason!