
September GWP Day Three

Seven more excellent definitions of motherhood bring out total count of entries for the September Group Writing Project to 25! As always, these entries are of the highest caliber. I’m so floored by many of your experiences (and some of them I feel as though we must be the same person—or, as a friend and I used to say, “we’re one pea in two pods!”). So please, read, comment and connect with other mothers once again!

And don’t forget to submit your posts—that deadline is coming right up!

Motherhood is . . . too much for me today. Just when I feel like I’m really beginning to get it, as though this is how my life should be, I have one of these days where I can’t stand for him to ignore me for the fourth time in a row, and every syllable from his mouth is a whine (met by my own, I’m sure!), and all he wants to do in the world is mess with anything that’s in my hands.

These days crush my sense of self; my self righteous indignation that I can’t just work on the computer for ten minutes while he eats, my desire to do something that isn’t watching his every movement, my need to get something accomplished are all crushed by his pitiful cries. He leans his head against the back of the chair and lets the tears fall unfettered.

I can’t leave him there to sob alone. I can’t let him think I don’t love him. Of course I love him. “I love you,” I tell him as I get him settled with dinner, “But. . . .” I stop myself. No. There’s no exception to my love. “No,” I finally finish for him. “I just love you.”

Some days, motherhood is hiding in the other room, listening to your baby noisily smack his lips and hoping that he’s eating just a little of the hot dog along with the ketchup.

3 replies on “September GWP Day Three”

You description made me smile. Especially the ketchup part.
Boy the last few days have been difficult with my oldest. But I always love him.

Thanks for your support, ladies. I was a little scared hitting the publish button. It’s always hard to admit our shortcomings, eh?

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