
What do you want out of your blog?

I’ve mentioned recently that I started this blog to help make a difference in moms’ lives—to help them find fulfillment.

But sometimes, it just feels like something else I have to do. It feels like I’m not reaching anyone, that the blog is just a chore that I keep up with . . . out of habit and not wanting to be a quitter.

When I was thinking about this the other day, I realized that I feel like I’ve lost my way with MamaBlogga. I often don’t feel like I’m really helping anyone anymore (and this isn’t a pity party or trolling for comments; it has as much to do with my ennui as it does with the tepid response).

I realized I don’t know what I want out of this blog. I wanted to help people, and I feel like I’ve done that, but that I lack the desire, the drive or the talent to keep doing that. Plus, I stopped writing about blogging for a long time and I don’t know if that’s something I should or even want to do anymore.


So, how do you recapture your blogging drive? What do you want from this blog? What do you want from your blog?