
What do you want out of your blog?

I’ve mentioned recently that I started this blog to help make a difference in moms’ lives—to help them find fulfillment.

But sometimes, it just feels like something else I have to do. It feels like I’m not reaching anyone, that the blog is just a chore that I keep up with . . . out of habit and not wanting to be a quitter.

When I was thinking about this the other day, I realized that I feel like I’ve lost my way with MamaBlogga. I often don’t feel like I’m really helping anyone anymore (and this isn’t a pity party or trolling for comments; it has as much to do with my ennui as it does with the tepid response).

I realized I don’t know what I want out of this blog. I wanted to help people, and I feel like I’ve done that, but that I lack the desire, the drive or the talent to keep doing that. Plus, I stopped writing about blogging for a long time and I don’t know if that’s something I should or even want to do anymore.


So, how do you recapture your blogging drive? What do you want from this blog? What do you want from your blog?

3 replies on “What do you want out of your blog?”

I suffer from the same feelings you describe. Searching for meaning and fulfillment in blogging and in life. I enjoy blogging, but at times it does feel like another chore and I know I lack focus in my posts. I often wonder why people even visit, when I don’t even feel like it is worth reading. I wish I had more time to devote to actually writing. But my kids need me more. And most days I don’t feel like I’m doing that job well either.

I appreciate your candor and I do enjoy your blog. I don’t know the answers. If you find some please share.

I find blog inspiration by reading fine literature, visiting other uplifting writing related blogs, and pushing the edge of my creative writing skills to something deeper, something grittier. There’s always room to improve my blog, my writing, and I’m trying to get there, one blog post at a time.

I also give myself a break when I need it…that’s when I post a cool quote or a sweet sign. It’s like a little sigh, a breath, and then I’m back again the next day.

I found your blog because I was searching for tips and inspiration for mothers struggling with various issues such as feeling unfulfilled or doing it all alone. I’m sure I’m not the only one out there looking for this kind of material, so your blog should certainly have an audience if it provides stimulating, creative content. Some days we feel more stimulating and creative than others, right?

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