
GWP ideas

It’s been a while since we’ve had a group writing project. Let’s get one together for August.

But . . . um . . . I got nothing. What should our next group writing project be on?

Refresher: a group writing project is one where I pick a very general topic and throughout the chosen week, participants post on their blogs about the topic. I link to them all here so everyone can read, comment and learn. One entry is chosen at random to receive a $30 Amazon gift certificate!

4 replies on “GWP ideas”

My suggestion: something about being a first-time parent i.e. having your first (or only) child. What were the expections/what was the reality, unusual events that happened, people who were heroes of the moment/pregnancy, etc.

I love the previous poster’s suggestion! Not to glom on to somebody else’s suggestion, but writing about being a first-time mom is something that is very much on my mind, as the mother of a six-month-old. I love “people who were heroes of the moment or pregnancy.” I have a lot of those to write about. YES!!! GREAT SUGGESTION! Heroes of your pregnancy or experience as a first time mom.

I like the “first time” theme but had thought to suggest as well that we write about thoughts on schooling. That would allow people who home school to talk about their choice, their routines, etc., people who are sending their kids for their first day, those dreading the bullies, etc., and people with tiny ones trying to figure out who to watch in the park once the school kids on vacation have left it.

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