
The little professor

“Ah ha!”


Yep, the little professor.



I love you, too

This is how my baby gets to sleep most of the time: sucking his fingers. I’m so excited that he’s chosen these two fingers:

It’s a little “I love you” sign! My mom thought I was crazy but I love this. I mean, it’s my preverbal baby telling me he loves me. Kinda gets you right here.

How does a preverbal baby tell you he loves you? Lately I’ve noticed a few ways Hayden says “I love you” without actually saying it.

  • He calms down (sometimes) when I stroke his head or back.
  • He gazes raptly up at me (especially when he’s sooooo tired and it’s bedtime).
  • He just learned that when he’s sitting on my lap, he can lean all the way to one side (leaning on one of my arms as I type) and turn his head to look up at me. And when he does, he flashes a huge grin. It’s as if he were saying, “Hey, wait a minute, who’s got me? Let me check. Oh! It’s MAMA! Hurray!”
  • He buries his head in my shoulder or chest when he’s ready for sleep.
  • He perks up when he hears my voice, especially if I’ve left him alone for a while. And by “perks up” I mean that he usually goes from laying on his tummy to holding his head up to look for me.
  • The other day I went in to get him from his nap and before I even said anything he perked up because he knew I was there. Before he even saw me, he was grinning his gorgeous, toothless grin because he knew I was there.

When Hayden was younger, especially the first two months or so, it was tough because I never seemed to get any kind of feedback from him. It seemed he acted the same way with just about anyone. (Unless, of course, he was hungry, in which case he screamed loudest of all with me because he was growing impatient and knew I was supposed to be feeding him.)

When Hayden was just over two months, I complained to a friend with a then-two-week-old. “Oh, my baby definitely knows who I am,” she interrupted. “He’ll scream and scream for my husband, but he always calms right down when I have him.”

Oh. Right. Well, then. I guess I didn’t need any sympathy, anyway. But three months later, it’s (finally) becoming more and more obvious that I’m Baby’s favorite person. I might even go so far as to say that he loves me!


Kids/Parenting Ryan/Married Life

Swingin’ Monkey Hayden

Hayden’s latest idea of fun is to be swung upside down. Sorry there’s no sound, you’ll just have to imagine Ryan going, “Whee! Whee!”


Silliness, thy name is Hayden.

Look at how my baby chooses to sleep. It seems so uncomfortable to me, but he loves it. Scares me to death with SIDS and all, but even if I flip him over he just rolls right back. And scrunches up in the corner. Silly Baby.



Hayden’s latest discovery

After five weeks of playing with his feet, Hayden finally made the monumental achievement today. Check it out.

In a word: nummers.

Kids/Parenting Ryan/Married Life

A little more about me…

These are a few of my favorite things…

Wedding day, 2004
Raleigh (technically Apex), North Carolina

Family! Hayden is 5 weeks old here.

Hayden, age 4 months, with my mom, age 16 ;), aka Nana Diana.

“Discovery (4 months)”
I made over a photo of Hayden to look oh-so-very-artsy.
He really likes playing with his feet these days.

I decided not to post a picture of a cold glass of milk, although I do like that quite a bit, too. Having your refrigerator die on you makes you appreciate the little, cold things even more. It also makes you appreciate the freezer still running, especially with 23 pounds of raw chicken in the freezer. And the little fridge Ryan bought when he was an apartment dweller that now holds all of our food, even if it did freeze the butter and the vegetables.

Hayden’s looking mighty proud of himself—probably means I should change his diaper. Gotta get the little guy dressed for church.