
Giveaway: one free professional photo montage

I’ll confess: I’m a terrible mom. I have never, ever gotten professional portraits of my son. As part of my birthday gift last week, my mother (and sisters and brother-in-law) absconded with Hayden (and Marty) while I was at dinner and got professional portraits made. Since they’re copyrighted, I can’t post full-sized images, but here are the thumbnails from the website (fair use!):

thumbnail of professional portraits, 26 months

Can I just say that these are ridiculously cute? Not having been there during the shoot (or ever before), I’m absolutely amazed at what the photographer got Hayden to do.

Now, here comes the good part: I have four coupons to give away for a free 8×12 Perfect Treasure photo montage.

To be eligible, you must be a first-time customer to Kiddie Kandids (ie, you’ve never been there before). Please check their website or call 1-888-503-5336 to make sure that there’s a studio near you before signing up. The offer expires 17 May 2008 (hello Mother’s Day gift!). And warning: adorable photos of your children are addicting.

To get a coupon for a free 8×12 photo montage, leave a comment on this post before Monday, 14 April 2008*. If more than four people sign up, I’ll have a random drawing for the four winners. Please do not leave your mailing address here—I’ll contact the winners via email to get a mailing address.

* UPDATE: As of 15 April, I still have two certificates to give away—sign up before Thursday, 16 April 2008 for a chance to win!

Yes, I get something out of this if you use the coupon (AKA “Referral certificate”), but my mom didn’t remember what that was. And knowing me, by the time I get around to using it, it’ll have expired. So, hey, take a free photo. They’re adorable.

4 replies on “Giveaway: one free professional photo montage”

I’ve never gotten professionals of my boys, either. I’ve been feeling pressured lately since I’m seeing everyone growing up so fast. I just started checking in to different studios. Maybe kiddie kandids is the one for me…:)

My step-mom is a PPA member and certified professional photographer, and she takes a lot of photos of my son when we are in MN. I am and will be forever grateful. I think his 18 month pictures will have to be done by someone else though, because we won’t be in MN. I’m dreading it already.

If you pick my number, please draw again. 🙂

I love montages, and I’ve never been to kiddie kandids – I’d love to try it out. count me in! 🙂

That kid is so stinkin cute!! I can’t believe how old he looks now. We miss you guys a lot. I am glad that the family got to go out there and be with you on your birthday. Brooke and I were sad that we couldn’t come too. Oh well maybe next time.

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