
Why I don’t hate all kids’ programs

(The full skit is even cuter.)

And of course:

Was Sesame Street this clever when I was little? If so, I totally missed it. Then again, so do my kids. Kind of the point, isn’t it?

What are your favorite kids’ show jokes for parents?

9 replies on “Why I don’t hate all kids’ programs”

love the smell like a monster!!!! Well both were good but that one was my favorite

How about all the jokes on MathNet?? They were hilarious to adults. Sesame Street was also funny to adults when you were a mere child, too. Letter B? by John Lennon. Funny stuff.

I was hoping you’d answer, Mom. I remember “Letter B” 😀 .

Sesame Street is my all time favourite but they never had it on in the mornings here. My children watched cartoons in the mornings and then we’d be off doing other things…I think it came on at 11am and they missed it. Makes me sad that they don’t know Big Bird and Snuffy as well as I did. They’ve never seen half of those awesome skits….guess there’s always youtube! I LOVE Sesame Street.

p.s. Letter B is one of my favourites as well as James Blunt’s “My Triangle” (his song – you’re beautiful)

“My Triangle” is a good one! It comes on at 6 AM and 1 PM here, but we don’t see that much anymore. I just happened to catch the full Closer skit this week.

So sad: Big Bird and Snuffy are barely even in the background these days. I guess every generation of kids gets new characters to focus on. When I was little, it was Big Bird and Snuffy (who may or may not have been imaginary), and Bert and Ernie, and of course, Cookie Monster! These days it’s all Elmo and Zoe and Abby. Whippersnapper upstarts.

Last year when I was helping students get ready for the EOG tests, I sang Letter B to them whenever the answer was B. They thought I was crazy, but my only goal is to amuse myself. Which I did. Over and over.
I like the Triangle song, too.

Had to watch “Letter B”, and “My Triangle”, too. Good stuff.

Thanks for the clip suggestions. My little guy (18-months-old) isn’t interested in watching TV for longer than a couple of minutes, so we’re always looking for short clips to watch together. These will be fun for post-nap time!

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