
Hayden’s Latest Words

Quick—a toddlerspeak quiz. What is the translation for these Haydenisms?

  1. Baido
  2. Teee
  3. Aaahhh
  4. Nanee
  5. Sss
  6. Nai nai
  7. Nai
  8. Nanoo, nanool or nanle
  9. Toottie (‘oo’ as in book)

They always say that a child’s vocabulary starts to grow exponentially very suddenly. I was a little skeptical for Hayden, mostly because he hasn’t been terribly interested in talking!

Then again, I’m not sure that my perception of the situation is at least partially due to my own inability to recognize his “words” for a long time. Perhaps it’s not just that he’s finally making an effort to use his words. Maybe it’s just that I’m learning to listen better.


  1. Bye (possibly baido:bye::hello (haido):hi, or possibly bye-bye)
  2. Cheese
  3. Yes (yeahhh)
  4. Candy
  5. Shoes (or peeing)
  6. Night night—which he has started saying spontaneously, and even started trying to wrap me in blankets for night night!
  7. Light
  8. Candle (he likes fire!)
  9. Cookie

How did you do on our quiz?

5 replies on “Hayden’s Latest Words”

Not so good if truth be told, and I thought I was quite good at that kind of thing! Oh Well.
Happy Thanksgiving

That is so cute – I must try to record my boys. I am hopeless at sounding out .
I have twins 16.5 months and I can’t understand much of what they say … dog and one says ‘Uh OH’

My oldest daughter called milk “nap” until she was 2.5. My little one called whipped cream “pie”. Those are now the common words for “milk” and “whipped cream” in our household.

I forgot some newer ones: boo boo for poo poo, and Bapa for Grandpa (can you tell we’re visiting relatives?).

@Diane—the other day, we fed Hayden some pumpkin pie (with whipped cream). Ryan asked Hayden if it tasted like candy, and Hayden heartily agreed. First thing the next morning, Hayden began demanding(!) “candy.”

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