
How embarrassing!

If you’ve attempted to request my personal blog consulting services this week, let me apologize—the contact form was not working properly. And, to be honest, it was my fault.

Please resubmit your requests!

Thank you; back to your regularly scheduled MamaBlogga.

2 replies on “How embarrassing!”

This is my first visit to your blog and already I’ve learned so much! I look forward to coming back and spending more time….so much more to learn about blogging! I’m ready to go from blogging hack to blogging pro…but can it be done on my limited time constraints?

Rachel Anne—I’m glad that I’ve been of help and I hope to see you around in the future. You can definitely learn more about blogging on limited time constraints—even if you only spend 5 minutes a day, you can learn more.

And judging by your blog, it looks like you already have a great start.

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