
The law of the harvest

The winner of the EnDANGERbles giveaway is Shannon!

Sometimes it seems like the harder I work at motherhood, the worse things get—the more the chores pile up, the less time I have for myself, the less I accomplish. But that might just be my perception. Yes, if I make a good effort to focus on my children instead of, say, the Internet, I do have less time to do the things I want to (many of which, let’s face it, just aren’t that important)—but when I make my children a priority, it makes life easier for all of us because they tend to spend less time fighting and tormenting one another for the sake of getting my attention. (Hooray for reducing the stress level of the whole house!)

I think we have all seen this principle in action in our lives:

Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7).

Or as we’re more likely to say today, you get back whatever you put into it.

Sometimes this seems to fail (though it could just be our limited perspectives), but sometimes our returns are waaay more than our investments. One example that springs to mind was one day when I brought a sandwich when I picked Hayden up from preschool. He found the sandwich in its bag and exclaimed, “Mom! You made me a sandwich? Thank you! I never been so happy!

What kind of mothering activities pay you that kind of interest?

Photo by Jonathan

2 replies on “The law of the harvest”

lol, perfect story! I feel like my ‘investment’ is often hit and miss. Sometimes Gwen seems especially appreciative, other times I just feel depleted. I don’t have a golden equation for the balancing thing yet, but I know if any one of us is tired the whole thing goes to pot. If we’re all well rested, seems like there is more enjoyment of life. Trick is getting the independent one to actually take her nap, the wee one to get a full enough gut that she doesn’t have to wake up as often for more food, and me to go to bed on time! 🙂

I generally think my best investment is when I just sit on the floor and let the kids play whatever they want with/around me. We all feel satisfied. My other favorite mothering activity with my kids is to snuggle them on either side of me and read stories from the Friend. They can’t get enough and I usually can’t get through the stories without tearing up. I love those teaching moments. (Oh and my 5 year old already makes fun of me for crying about children’s stories). 🙂

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