
The long-awaited day

About a year ago, I made a valiant attempt to amputate Hayden’s ear. (Apparently I haven’t discussed this on the blog before.) It started innocently enough: I was on the last snip of a pretty dang good haircut—”but man, why won’t these scissors close? Hayden, stop screaming, hold still, I’m almost—HOLY CRAP that’s your ear!!”

Yeah. Although the damage wasn’t nearly as severe as I’d feared (a bandaid was enough to patch him up physically), I figured his hysterical fear of haircuts was justified. Since then, I’ve made him endure a grand total of two haircuts (one by me and Ryan [and Aunt Brooke?] while Hayden screamed and we took turns restraining/hugging him—anybody have that footage?—and the other at a kid haircutting place which I didn’t witness but heard wasn’t too much better).

Last night, Ryan finally succeeded in convincing Hayden that not only did he need a haircut, but he could get one tonight.

By some miracle, he also convinced Hayden that the clippers tickle. Hayden giggled the whole time, and never ended up taking our offer of chocolate chips.

And now . . . I have regrets. But Hayden doesn’t!

I guess I liked him shaggy.

And not to leave Rebecca out: we pulled out the doll bed her late great-grandfather made. I figured since she walks around with babies or Pinky, cradling and shushing and lullabying them, she might like it.

This wasn’t what I meant by that:

(And yeah, that’s the entertainment center. She takes after her brother, apparently.)

How have you helped your kids overcome their fears?

2 replies on “The long-awaited day”

That second haircut left me scarred!
I am proud that Haydie went through with it, but now he looks so big!
Cute little Becca!

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