
One reason why it’s worth it

I think (and I know many of you agree, based on your comments) that motherhood is difficult because it’s worth it. The more hard-won the victory, the more we appreciate it.

Of course, the “victory” doesn’t feel complete while you’re still in the trenches—and even after your children are productive adults, I doubt you sit around (on your laurels) thinking about that.

But there are the little moments along the way that reminds us that it’s worth it now, too:

Okay, three reasons:

What little moments make you feel like it’s worth it?

3 replies on “One reason why it’s worth it”

There’s my beautiful babies!!!! Look how bright her eyes are!! You can see her little personality even in photos. How’s her tummy?

Thank you! A little better. We got a prescription from the doctor, but our prescription insurance has run us through so many hoops and we’re still not allowed to fill it yet. But she’s not choking quite as often.

OMG! My mother was right! She’s absolutely BEAUTIFUL! That picture alone may serve as reason enough for why motherhood is “worth it.”

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