
Is it worth it?

You’d think the third time would be easier to get going with nursing a baby. In some ways, it is, of course—you’re used to some of it, and you know some things that are normal. But once again I find myslef turning to the Internet for help and guidance with problems.

One of my favorite resources is kellymom. I came across a page called Are mothers supposed to love breastfeeding 24 hours a day?, and some of the thoughts there made me think of more than just breastfeeding:

Our culture has become so addicted to the concept that we are supposed to only do what makes us happy or brings us immediate joy, that we lose a lot of the good stuff along the way–pride in accomplishment, joy in fulfilling a commitment, feeling of achievement through meeting a goal. I don't think this means people are more selfish today than they were in the past, I just think they have been taught to have different expectations about what they are supposed to feel and how they should respond to those feelings.

How do you think we can re-learn how to “respond to those feelings”? Can we help our children learn a better way?