
How to express gratitude to a mother

Three times last night, I heard the hosts on various shows bid all the mothers a happy Mother’s Day. More than once, they assured me, “We appreciate all that you do.” Only one of the people who expressed Mother’s Day wishes was a mother herself, though many, if not all of the men were fathers.

And each time, it grated on my nerves more and more. Finally, the third time, I’d had it (it was also after midnight…). I turned to the television and shouted, “No you don’t! You don’t have any idea what we do!”

smaller making mothers day merry badgeIf you’re still pondering what special things to say to your mother or wife (or baby mama) for Mother’s Day, here’s a little hint: don’t say that you’re grateful for all that we do. Even if you really, truly are grateful for absolutely everything that we do, leaving it at that makes us (or me, at least) feel as though you have no concept of what we do, and no real desire to find out.

Instead, pick a few specific things to mention. They could be thankless tasks that you know your wife/mother/babymama does (diapers, dishes, maintaining a well-run house, enforcing the rules, etc.); it could be a favorite family memory (especially effective if you know that your wife/mother/babymama put a lot of time and effort into creating that memory, but it works either way).

By speaking in specifics, the underlying message is that you notice what we do. Generalities are nice, but they’re just that—general. By mentioning a couple things to focus on, hopefully your wife/mother/babymama will understand that you see the hard, thankless work that is part and parcel with motherhood—and that you appreciate that.

Just a thought.


November Group Writing Project Finale

With thirty thirty-one wonderful entries, I’m happy to say that the November Group Writing Project has been excellent! I can’t say enough about the wonderful entries that we’ve read over the last week. Without making you wait a moment more, here is the final list of entries:

All of these great entries clearly took time and thought—I really appreciate all of your expressions of gratitude; they’ve made me consider my life more carefully! Read through them and find gratitude from mothers of all ages.

Now, feel free to spread the link love by copying the above list (instructions) and posting it to your own blog. Believe me—they all deserve it.

The Winna!
Chosen at random, I swear, the winner of our prize, a $30 gift certificate, is <drum roll>…

A Grateful Heart by Jill of The Diaper Diaries

Congratulations, Jill! If nothing else, run over there and read her entry—her conclusion is absolutely wonderful! (The gift certificate will be winging its way to you soon!)

Still working on your entry? Even though we’ve awarded our prize, we’ll continue to accept, read, link to and comment on submissions through the end of this week.


November GWP Day . . . the rest of them.

The November Group Writing Project is winding down! Here are our last twelve entries!

Once again, these entries are thoughtful and thought-provoking. Be sure to read, comment and enjoy!

Thanks to everyone who’s participated—and don’t forget to check back Monday evening to find out which entry, drawn at random, get a $30 Amazon gift certificate!


I’m grateful for Hayden

Sometimes, I’m not grateful enough for the blessings in my life. We have good jobs (and by some miracle, mine allows me to stay home with Hayden!), a comfortable home, a (relatively) safe neighborhood (and town and country—thank you, vets and Happy Veterans’ Day on Sunday!), food, clothes—and most of all each other.

I pick these group writing project topics in part because I’m excited to see what everyone else has to say on the topic (all of which have been excellent), and in part because I want to find out what I have to say on the topic.

I’m grateful for Hayden because he has shown me (and will continue to show me) that there is an entire world out there—outside of myself and my thoughts that can so easily dwell on my own needs.

I’m grateful for Hayden because he loves me, even when that means he can’t stand to be away from me for even a minute while I open the 400 degree oven or read or surf the Internet (which I really gotta stop doing while he’s around).

I’m grateful for Hayden because he really is a well-behaved, obedient child, even though he likes to pretend he isn’t at the most inconvenient times. He’s good at pretending, for a 21-month-old.

I’m grateful for Hayden because just looking at him sometimes fills me with an overwhelming desire to hug and snuggle and kiss and squeeze him for hours on end.

I’m grateful for Hayden because of spontaneous hugs and kisses.

I’m grateful for Hayden because he’s said “Mommy” for months (but he did just start saying “Daddy” again yesterday!). Even when he says it fifteen times while I’m looking straight at him, it’s nice to know he finally understands who I am.

And if there could be a “right” answer for a prompt like this, it would be that I’m grateful for Hayden because he’s mine.

This post is part of the November Group Writing Project. Submit your entries before Monday!


November GWP Day Three

The November Group Writing Project is in full swing! Today we have four more thoughtful entries! As always, I’m very impressed with this month’s entries!

Be sure to read, comment and enjoy!

And don’t forget to submit your entries!


November GWP Day Two

The November Group Writing Project is in full swing! Today we have eight more excellent entries! Once again, I’m impressed with all the entries so far!

Reading these great entries has helped remind me of the wonderful things that my son does that I love—and I’m sure they can do the same for you! So read, comment and enjoy!

And don’t forget to submit your entries!

Today, I’m grateful for Hayden because . . . of random hugs (from both parties).