
Good advice from Hayden

Hayden poses in a red jacket from Gummy, 26 monthsLike most children, Hayden has picked up on adult mannerisms and intonations long before he’s mastered the words to go with them. Yesterday, for example, I told him something and he tilted his head to the side as if to say “That’s silly, Mommy. You can’t be serious.”

I tilted my head the same direction to joke with him and he said, “Awwww! Sad?” (To Hayden, everyone is sad, except for outlines of his hands, which should be happy.)

This morning, I was getting Hayden up and I had a song in my head. I started singing it at the line “Tried to touch the sun.”

Hayden looked at me and said, “No touch uh sun. Hot.”

I have no idea how he knows that.

Brownie points to anyone who can name that song—but members of my family should give someone else a chance to get the answer before you post it!

Brownie points not redeemable for actual brownies.