
Wisdom of the ages

The other day I had a virulent strain of the hiccups. I groaned about it and Hayden asked, “What?”

“I just want these hiccups to be done.”

“Well,” he counseled, “they will just go away by themselves, when they’re done.”

Wise indeed.

Rebecca, meanwhile, discovered oven mitts.

Kids Sept-Oct 2009 032small

Hayden has taken up “speaking” for his stuffed monkey, Marty. But since Marty’s mouth is sewn shut, Hayden keeps his lips closed and kind of hums.

We’re not sure, but this might be where Rebecca picked up the habit of squealing with her mouth closed every time she sees her favorite stuffed animal/lovey, Pinky.

Logical creatures, children.

What unexpected leaps (logical or otherwise) have you seen from your children?