
Why #2 is easier

With Hayden, we had two people giving examples—me and Ryan. (And, let’s face it, most of the time it was me. That whole earning-money thing. Whatever.)

With Rebecca, she has two people with her pretty much all the time to model behaviors. She’s picking up signing probably about the same as Hayden did, and of course some things she hasn’t learned yet that he knew at this age—but some things she’s practically a prodigy at already.

Like this one:

She also does this whenever she sees me with my arms folded, and randomly throughout the day. I love finding her sitting on the floor, her arms folded and her head deeply bowed. She’s also done this while we were eating lunch or even out to eat, as if to remind us that we forgot to say our prayers.

I know there will be an equal number of disadvantages for her, of course—I just won’t have the same amount time I devoted to Hayden to give my singular attention to her—but I’m pretty proud of this one!

How were your later children easier than your first? What things did you notice them picking up on faster?


Hayden’s first prayer

Hayden reached another milestone this week. While he’s made a play attempt or two at praying, he usually pretends to be shy when I try to help him through a prayer. Until Tuesday night.

Hayden was at the table getting ready to eat, I was getting ready to leave to visit someone from church and Ryan was getting his dinner. We reminded Hayden that we needed to say a prayer, and he dutifully folded his arms.

And then we heard what he was saying. “Hebely fader. Hebely fader. Hebely fader.”

Ryan and I quickly folded our arms and walked into the dining room. “Thank you for this day,” I prompted him.

Hayden snuggling Marty at 26 months“Dates day.”

“Thank you for this food.”

“Dates fud.”

“Please bless it.”

“P’ease b’ess.”

“In the name of Jesus Christ.”

Blank look.

“In the name of Jesus Christ,” I tried again.

Blank look.

This could be simpler for a two-year-old, I guess. “Jesus,” I tried.

He knew that one. “Dee sa.”



Not bad!


All by myself

This morning I gave Hayden his breakfast at his new picnic table. He looked at the plate of cereal, then clasped his hands and closed his eyes.

“What are you doing, Hayden?” I thought he might be asking for some cheese, since his sign for cheese is similar to that.

He looked at me and made a show of closing his eyes again.

“Do you want to say a prayer?” I guessed. We always pray over dinner, but sadly I’m a lot less consistent with other meals, so this would be Hayden’s idea entirely.

Hayden nodded.

“Do you want me to say it?”

Hayden shook his head.

“Do you want any help saying it?”

Hayden shook his head and folded his arms. He launched headlong into about three seconds of gibberish, concluded with his trademark “Amin” and started in on his cereal.

Apparently someone’s doing something right around here. Must be his daddy.