
Y is for . . . L, if you asked my kids

My kids have a few odd speech habits—”feww” for “smell,” “foon” for “spoon,” and today “ball” for “small” (while crying). But so far one of the most persistent impediments is saying Y for L.

  • yeyyow
  • yittle/yiddew (especially Rebecca’s favorite nickname for Rachel, “yiddew baby!”)
  • yeash (leash)
  • And my favorite: I yub you!

I also love little kids’ attempts to jump. Rebecca is obsessed with jumping over the cracks when we’re walking on pavement, but her little feet never leave the ground at the same time (though she actually can jump—just not while walking).

What are your favorite learning (yearning?) processes to watch?


W is for wacky words

I love the new phrases little kids use!

My favorites from Rebecca:

  • ackshee . . . (actually)
  • s’uw (sure, but without the sh. Or the r.)
  • Kudaihav . . . ? (Could I have . . . ?)
  • Pe-p’ease? (Pretty please?) (This just recently advanced from “Me-mease?”)
  • Mayme we can . . . (Maybe—Rebecca is generating alternatives)
  • F’iends (Friends)

But I think the most surprising recent words were this:

Last night at dinner, we were talking about our visit with Nana (my mom). I asked my son Hayden what his favorite part of the visit was. He decided his favorite part was getting new blocks from Nana.

Here’s the backstory,” he said. And he proceeded to explain in great detail the shopping trip a week ago when we bought the new blocks.

It’s great on so many levels,” he concluded.


What are your favorite kid phrases?


Snippets of Rebecca

Rebecca was playing with one of our old cell phones and held it to her ear. “Hey-o?”

I used my “finger phone.” “Hi, Rebecca. How are you?”


“What are you doing?”

“Nuffing. Watcha TV. Fee Ferm.” [Phineas & Ferb]

Rebecca really looked forward to her birthday this year (probably mostly because Hayden thought it was exciting). I kept having to tell her that it wasn’t her birthday yet. Finally, she got the message—whenever the subject came up, she’d say, “Becca birt-day! Nek week. Mon-ay.” [Next week. Monday.]

After her birthday, we (again, mostly Hayden) taught Rebecca her age. “How old are you?” we’d ask.

“Two!” she’d proclaim for the first week, and hold up her fingers:

After the first week, the answer changed. “How old are you?” we ask.

She’s still just as proud to proclaim her new answer: “Becca!”

Sometimes, Rebecca has rough naps. It takes her over an hour to fall asleep (though she seldom cries, so that’s good). One day, she’d been in bed for 90 minutes and started bawling. I came in to get her.

“Becca ‘wake,” she told me piteously.

“I can hear that.”

“Becca ky.” [cry]

“Did you sleep at all?”

“Uh huh.” She holds up her fingers the same as above. “One minnut.” (She also likes to tell me “one minnut” when she wants me to wait for her.)

Last week, Rebecca got sent to her room for the first time. She and Hayden had been fighting, so they both got sent to their room. Rebecca submitted peacefully, allowing me to lead her to her room, and sitting quietly in the arm chair there. She insisted I close the door. (This was probably because Hayden threw his usual screaming fit at the mere mention of being sent to his room, and as always, I had to physically drag him there. Maturity FTW.)

After Rebecca’s two minutes were up, I opened the door and invited her to come out. (Hayden was still screaming at this point, laying over the threshold to his room.) Rebecca preferred to stay in her room. Can’t say I blame her.

Later that day, something happened to upset her while she was in another room. “I go my woom!” she announced to her father amid her tears.

I found her there, laying on the arm chair, crying, a few minutes later. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I sad.” [Biggest frown in the world]

“Can I hold you to help you feel better?”

“No. Me’cine [medicine] help me feel better.”

Edited to add: whenever she thinks I’m upset, she uses her cutest, most innocent tone: “Sumping wong, Mommy? Needa Pinky?”

What are your favorite kid moments recently? Or what are your favorite toddler moments?


Werbecca has a name for Hayden

Several months ago, we taught Rebecca (or Werbecca, as Hayden says it) a sign for Hayden: patting her shoulder. She didn’t say much of anything back then, and we figured she might want to refer to (or tattle on) him every once in a while.

While we’re still teaching Rebecca lots of signs, we’re trying to encourage her to use her “words” more. For example, Pinky is probably one of her favorite things to sign about—she needs to know the whereabouts of her stuffed rabbit at all times. We taught her to tap her index finger on her chin to refer to Pinky (the sign for ‘red’; I figured the sign for pink was still a little challenging). If we ask her to “Say Pinky with your mouth!” she moves her finger up to tap on her lips.

Hardy har har, little girl.

About a week and a half ago, Rebecca finally found her voice—but not for Pinky. She started calling Hayden “Eee.” (Considering Hayden calls himself “Haydie” almost exclusively, it’s not that surprising.)

There is a drawback to this, however. She’s now rhymed all our names, and every hour or so she feels compelled to take roll: “Da-Dee? Da-Dee? Da-Dee? Mahmee? Eee? Eee?”

She’s also taken to referring to Nana as “Nanee”—which is exactly what Hayden called candy.

That’s pretty sweet 😉 .

What are your favorite new word stories?


Hayden’s Four!

It’s Hayden’s birthday! For someone who has talked about his birthday for six months, he’s not that excited. I told him he was four this morning and he said, “Wight now?”

When Rebecca got up, he told me to “Tell her what I have now.”

I correctly guessed he wanted me to tell her he was four. Hayden came to stand over her, and Rebecca grunted at him to go away, using her sign for “all done/all gone/no more.”

“See wants my fee years old back,” Hayden explained.

Feb 2010 002small

Birthday boy needs a haircut

And to catch up with the kids:

Just a few of the inventions Hayden claims are in “his car” (the red Honda we haven’t driven in years, but still have):

  • wings, so it can fly to Nana
  • guns (that go “pew! pew!”)
  • a machine that makes purple monkeys with sad faces and happy faces
  • two ovens
  • [added later: bathtub]

Some words Hayden puts his personal spin on:
woo — you
wuze — use
Werbecca (still)
foon — spoon (and all other words beginning with sp-, sm-, etc.)
[added later: DVDV (“divvydivvy”) — DVD]

Words Rebecca can say (at 18 months, in the order she learned them as best I can remember):
des/dah (yes/yeah)
dat (that)
Dada (this was a long time before the next ones)
Mama, Nana, Papa
Beebe (baby, sometimes Pinky)
Deesa (Jesus)
oooh (no)
oosh (shoes or juice)
[added later: mmmmooowa (more, which came after Dada), boo’ (book), ba’/bap (bag), ba’ (ball), hi, bye]

Words Rebecca can sign:
[added later: hi, byebye, please, thank you, bread, excuse me]

Body parts Rebecca knows:
Knees (sometimes)


Treasure hunt

Monday was our anniversary, and Ryan was lucky enough to get some awesome (and FREE) VIP concert tickets from work. So Hayden was shuttled off to my brother- and sister-in-law’s with the usual supplies: diaper bag, pack’n’play, and a carefully-wrapped DVD.

The DVD in question is Robin Hood (which Hayden likes to say as “Wobin. Hood.”). As of probably about last Friday, it has become Hayden’s favorite movie. Luckily, it is also one of my favorites (favorite Disney film, too), and we have it on VHS and DVD. (This has taught him the word “rewind,” too.)

I wrapped it in an envelope because I knew if Hayden saw it or came across it in his diaper bag, he’d instantly insist on watching it, and I wanted to leave that to his aunt and uncle’s discretion. So I gave the DVD directly to Aunt Jess and explained what it was before Hayden made it in the apartment.

Naturally, none of that mattered in the end. The envelope sat on the entertainment center next to the TV and they watched Nick Jr. shows On Demand. The Blue’s Clues episode that was available was on a treasure hunt.

I don’t know if Hayden was familiar with the concept before, but apparently he caught on pretty quickly. During the episode, he seized upon the envelope by the TV and proclaimed it “Treasure!” He then headed off across the room to open it.

“Wobin! Hood!”

And yes, they watched that next.