Kids/Parenting Fulfillment

Another type of little reminder

Hayden fought off a little cold this week. Between that and all the excitement of having his grandparents and Aunt Jasmine here to play with him (read: fawn over his every move, as we all should), he’s had a little trouble sleeping.

When we finally broke down and got him to sleep through the night (in February), we had to let him cry it out. For three weeks. Ryan was afraid we were starting over again with that. He went in to comfort him Tuesday night and Hayden quieted as soon as his daddy picked him up—but began wailing as soon as he was laid in bed.

Hayden 14 months 007.jpgWednesday night, I was fighting off the same cold (still am :() and had just gotten to bed (late again, sigh) when Hayden began to cry. As I debated whether to get up or not, his cries grew louder. After a few minutes, I knew I had to get up, especially since my parents were trying to sleep in the room next to his.

I put on my robe and went into his room. I gathered him into my arms and rocked him. Slinging one arm around my neck, Hayden quickly quieted down and snuggled into my shoulder. I could hear him sniffling and speculated that he was having trouble breathing laying down. (He insists on sleeping face down, silly boy.)

I sat down on the floor of his room and rocked him gently. Although he was completely asleep, Hayden still clung to my neck. I couldn’t help but give him tons of kisses.

I held him for ten or fifteen minutes, just to make sure that he got some undisturbed sleep, before gently laying him back in his crib.

No matter how well or how poorly my week is going, a reminder like that is one I can always use.


MamaBlogga RSS Contest Extended

I’ve decided to extend the MamaBlogga RSS Subscription Contest by a week. I’ve updated the original post to reflect this.

With my family here, I’m busier than I thought I’d be. Next week, I’ll have some more time, (I hope), so look for the special message for our RSS subscribers next week!


Time flies!

My, how time flies!

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Easter 2006

Hayden Easter 2007.jpg
Easter 2007

My baby’s not a baby anymore…

This post is part of Wordless Wednesday.

Fulfillment Faith

Growing Pains

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘growing pains’—and I hope not just as the title of the Kirk Cameron 80s sitcom. I remember as a teenager, my legs ached during a growth spurt. More vividly, I remember the sundry pains and discomforts of pregnancy as my baby (and belly) grew.

Despite these experiences, I tend to think of growth in rather innocuous terms. I just don’t imagine a germinating seed to be in any discomfort.

In the last few weeks, Hayden has begun his latest round of teething. Two new teeth have erupted, and two more are on the way. His pain has been tormenting us all lately, and no amount of acetaminophen is helping. Often, I’m tempted to tell my poor little boy, “Life’s rough—and then you die.”

While the statement has become a cliché among mothers, as I deal with his frustrated cries, I’m reminded that life is rough—and not just for my preverbal toddler. Between keeping him happy and out of the cat’s litterbox, and keeping the house clean and the family fed, I often have trouble keeping my sanity intact.

Whenever I start to feel that I’ve gotten the hang of this motherhood thing, something changes and I have to start all over again. When I was just starting out as a mother, I felt as though I might drown in motherhood. It was so completely overwhelming to have someone who needed you so completely, so often (okay, constantly).

Why was this so hard? Why would the calling of motherhood, one that I know is divinely appointed, make me feel as though I couldn’t bear another day of it? If this is how my life should be, why was I falling apart?

Why was motherhood so hard—so hard that my even my soul ached? How could this be God’s will for me if it made me feel so terrible?

I don’t think I really began to understand until I read this:

Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house than the one you thought of—throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. (C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity, 205)

I wanted to grow as a mother—but I wanted to be the seed. I wanted to have all of the benefits of motherhood (um… wait, wait, don’t tell me… 😉 ) without the work—and the pain.

But after giving birth, there’s no epidural for the rest of motherhood. And you know what? I’m beginning to believe that it’s a good thing, too. Besides, being a seed probably isn’t as easy as it looks.

For more posts on growth, see scribbit’s April Write-Away Contest Entries.

Contests MetaBlogging

Popular Parent Bloggers (Original List)

For the updated version of this list, see Popular Parent and Mom Bloggers.

Inspired by Todd And’s Power 150, a listing of the top English language marketing blogs, I compiled my own set of ranking factors to create a list of Popular Parent Bloggers. Did you make the list? Here they are, ranked in order of popularity:

  1. 5 Minutes for Mom
  2. Fussy
  3. *Rocks in My Dryer
  4. *Parent Hacks
  5. Lil Duck Duck
  6. Troll Baby
  7. *Embracing Momminess
  8. HerBadMother
  9. *Scribbit
  10. Write from Karen
  11. Sprittibee
  12. Trying to Catch up
  13. *An Island Life
  14. Sweetney
  15. amalah . com
  1. Three Kid Circus
  2. Sparks and Butterflies
  3. Here comes a storm…
  4. Principled Discovery
  5. The Bean Blog
  6. Plain Jane Mom
  7. Everyday Mommy
  8. BackpackerMom
  9. Changed by His Love
  10. Sunshine Scribe
  11. Metro Mama
  12. Mommy off the Record
  13. A Doggy’s Life
  14. Flagrant Disregard
  15. White Trash Mom

* indicates blogs that I have read quite a bit and/or subscribe to.

Download the OPML file to subscribe to all these blogs in a feed reader like Bloglines or Google Reader. (While you’re at it, subscribe to MamaBlogga for a chance to win!)

Ranking factors
The Popular Parent Bloggers ranking is based on:

  • Technorati ranking
  • Number of blogs linking to your blog
  • Number of MyBlogLog community members
  • Number of Bloglines subscribers
  • Google PageRank (just for the heck of it)
  • The number of comments received in a week (weighted most heavily; I picked the last week in March 2007 to make it all equal).

Made the list?

Feel free to take one of the badges below and add it to a post or sidebar. Please link back to MamaBlogga if you take a badge, and please save the picture to your blog.

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Want to be included on the list?
Think your blog should be here? E-mail me at jordan (at) (be sure to include your blog’s URI!).


His first sentence!

Yesterday, Hayden started trying out a vocabulary. He managed to ‘say’ “Jesus” (my mom made him two books about Jesus to look at during church) and “Jordan” (twice!). And today, his first sentence.

He was carrying his beloved Marty Monkey around and my mother was teasing him. She said, “Touch my monkey!”

Hayden wouldn’t let that pass. Every person in the room, no matter what they were doing or paying attention to, understood exactly what he said. He sassed her right back: “Touch this,” he said quite distinctly.

Think it counts?