
Feeling Fulfilled Fridays 7 & 8

It’s feeling fulfilled Friday on MamaBlogga! Here’s how it works:

  1. Make a list of things that make you feel accomplished (but aren’t so huge that they take more than a day or a week)
  2. During the week, try to focus on those things that help us feel accomplished
  3. Report on feeling fulfilled Friday

Man. I just realized that I’d worked so hard on last week’s post—but never pushed Publish. Arg!

This week: I’m adding something new to my list of things that feel accomplished. Even though I’m an introvert (or possibly because I’m an introvert), taking the kids out for errands and/or something fun makes me feel accomplished.

Monday, I wanted to pick up some new conditioner and milk and eggs (conveniently forgetting the fact that Ryan bought a fresh dozen on Saturday). There was also a pet store and a book store that often has inexpensive kids’ books and activities, so I added those to our trip. And yesterday, I took the kids to play in one of the play areas of the mall.

Taking the kids out also guarantees that we’ll all get dressed and we’ll get away from the computer and the television. (I swear those things have tractor beams!)

Last week:
This week has had some of my highest recent moments of motherhood—and my lowest moments ever.

This week, a family member took me aside to praise me on how well I’m working with Hayden. He’s a pretty typical four-year-old, I hope. He throws several tantrums a day and the most common response to not getting what he wants the second he wants it is to fly off the handle.

(Ahem. No idea where he gets it.)

And every once in a while, I can look like I’m handling it well. Now that makes me feel accomplished!

What’s made you feel accomplished this week?

2 replies on “Feeling Fulfilled Fridays 7 & 8”

I am glad this week left you feeling more accomplished and better about yourself. Keep on moving forward.

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