Kids/Parenting Fulfillment

No work at home Mom

My dad saw me in the comics (he does this fairly regularly), and I happened to track down the page. I really loved what the comic strip writer/artist had to say about this:

There were times when I actually sat down and tried to figure out what I actually accomplished during the day. With so many demands on a Mom's time, it was hard to account for the hours. I looked forward to evenings when the kids were in bed, so I could work. I looked forward to holidays and weekends, so I could work. Doing a daily comic strip took an amazing amount of time and I needed to be alone when I was writing. I could draw with life going on around me, but the kids soon learned to ask for cookies and ice cream. When I wasn't able to concentrate. I usually said “yes”!

Isn't it strange that we call an actual paying job “work” and don't consider raising children hard work as well. I confess, being a good mom is one of the most challenging JOBS on the planet!!

via For Better or For Worse Comic Strip by Lynn Johnston..

(Yet another reason to strive for things that make you feel accomplished!)

What did you get done today?