Ryan/Married Life

You’re an enabler, and I thank you for it

Dear Ryan,

You’re an enabler, and I thank you for it.

You’ve enabled me to do things I never thought possible. Without you, obviously, I wouldn’t be a wife or a mother. Without you, I wouldn’t have survived the rough days and the impossible nights.

Your encouragement has often come in tacit signs—everything from a hug to taking Hayden somewhere while I tried to write or cook dinner. But, it seems, equally often, your encouragement has come through your supportive words. Everything from “You’re dinner” to “The house looks good, babe.”

This month your enabling has allowed me to leave you and Hayden alone while I went to a conference—at your encouragement.

In the almost three years that we’ve been married, you’ve enabled me to grow beyond myself so many times. In fact, even during the process, I couldn’t appreciate the changes, but looking back now, I realize how much I’ve grown with your encouragement.

I hope to be able to return the favor and enable you to continue to grow personally, “parentally” and professionally.

Happy Father’s Day.

I love you.


Fulfillment Faith

The embodiment of womanhood

In a discussion this week, I referred to myself as “a woman and a mother,” in that order. A later speaker in the conversation described herself as half a dozen things, ending with “a mother and a WOMAN.”

I think she had them backwards.

In my opinion, motherhood is the fullest embodiment of womanhood. I was a woman before I was a mother, yes. But now that I am a mother, I believe I’m serving in the most important, fullest function that a woman can. I feel like I’m more of a woman now that I’m a mother. Motherhood magnifies me as an individual and a woman.

While for me, becoming a mother was a biological birth experience, I believe that this same feeling applies to all types of mothers. I’m not more of a woman because I was pregnant. I’m not more of a woman because of the biological changes my body underwent during and after pregnancy.

I would attribute this “magnified” feeling to how much my life has been enriched and my heart has grown since I’ve become a mother. And of course, there are my beliefs, which include that motherhood “is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind.”

I’m not trying to say that a childless woman is “less of a woman.” I don’t think that. But I do feel that motherhood encompasses all that is womanhood and more. The calling of motherhood supersedes the role of womanhood, and certainly anything else I’ve done in my life. In fact, the real, highest definition of myself would be “wife and mother.” I don’t even have to mention being a “woman,” because I feel like that’s completely entailed (in the logical, linguistic sense of the word) by those higher, broader callings.

Do you feel like being a mother makes you more of a woman?

Updates: Hayden is doing better. He guzzled the Pedialyte and even ate some cheese and, later, green beans. He did whine the whole day for food, which is probably a good sign.

The ants are doing well, too. Trying vinegar, but it doesn’t look good so far.


Story time

Today’s been . . . great. Here’s a very short story about my very long day.

If I had to place it in a genre, it would have to be ‘horror.’

It is entitled, “The Poop That No Diaper Could Contain.”

Actually, having said that, I think the story kind of tells itself. Except for a few details: it happened twice—today. The poop was white (TMI, I know, but I was more than a little freaked out at my son’s bizarre albino stool). In fact, I mistook some ‘escapees’ for pieces of bread. (Then I cleaned them up.)

Okay, this really isn’t that kind of blog.

But I do have to add one more detail. Hayden was sick over the weekend and I thought we’d gotten past that, but he’s been whiny and clingy and completely off solid food all week.

I was wrong. After the poops, there was the pukes.

Okay, I promise that’s it. I may come back tomorrow and decide this post is just too gross to keep and delete it.

If I get a minute tomorrow, that is.

Oh, I’m sure you’re wondering about our ant friends. Bay leaves didn’t work. 🙁


I spoke too soon…

Remember yesterday how I said I was surprised that the ants hadn’t started raiding?

I spoke too soon.

Our annual ant battle begins.

Today I vacuumed the living room twice. (We vacuumed it on Saturday, and vacuumed the dining room and living room yesterday.) My favorite way to get of ants is to vacuum up all the crumbs in the room—and any ants wandering around.

They come back.

So, who has a better (baby-safe) way to get rid of ants? I hear bay leaves are good. Borax (is that baby safe)?

Part of the problem is that the ants aren’t coming from outside. We’ve finally confirmed that they live under our house and come in through cracks between the wall and the floor. Better yet, the crawl space under that part of the house is way too narrow to get to the ant hill.

Any help?

[tags]pests, ants[/tags]


Get your child to go to bed!

I have a premonition that we’ve been very lucky with Hayden. He rarely fights us when it’s time to go to bed for the night or for a nap. But I also attribute some of our luck to hard work in developing a bedtime routine from the time he was very small (about 3 months old). A bedtime routine is a great way to calm your child and help him or her transition from activities of the day to the quiet of the night (and hopefully sleep!). Eventually, repetition will help to condition your child (I hate saying that, but it’s true) to associate the bedtime routine with sleep.

A Toddler Bedtime Routine

Here’s what our bedtime routine looks like today:

  1. Shallow bath in the big tub. Brush teeth. Soap and washing twice a week. (Usually, this one is mostly done by Daddy)
  2. Dry off, put on diaper and onesie.
  3. At this point, Hayden stands up and knows what’s next. He grins, giggles and runs across the room to where his rocking chair waits.
  4. After he climbs into his rocking chair, Daddy reads him a story (or a few pages) while Mommy puts on his socks. (Lately he doesn’t want to stay in his chair. He sits on my lap while Ryan reads.)
  5. Daddy says good night, turns off the light, shuts the door and turns on the fan (white noise) in the hallway.
  6. Mommy gives Marty to Hayden (unless he got him during his story, which happens a lot), cradles him in her arms and maybe wraps him in a blanket.
  7. Mommy sings “Baby Beluga,” usually with made up words about Hayden. After a verse or two, Mommy gives Hayden a kiss and lays him down in his crib.

By now, it’s very rare for Hayden to cry or call out once we put him down. Of course, we’ve refined this routine for our family over the last year. See also the followup with more bedtime routine tips.

An Evolving Bedtime Routine

Over time, your child’s needs change. Once I stopped nursing Hayden to sleep, his night time bedtime routine looked like this:

  1. Nurse
  2. Bath in warm soapy water
  3. Towel off and rub lotion on dry areas (feet, hands, elbows, calves).
  4. Put on diaper and pajamas. I discovered that one of the reasons why this drove him nuts before was because at this point he was starving. By moving his feeding up to the beginning of the routine, he was much more agreeable at this point!
  5. Hold him, rocking gently and singing 2-3 songs. Put him in bed once he starts sucking his fingers.

Before this, our bedtime routine was even shorter.

Baby’s First Bedtime Routine

Our first bed time routine was very, very basic (he was three months, after all!).

  1. Bath in warm soapy water (like this one)
  2. Put on diaper and pajamas
  3. Nurse him to sleep

Everyone and their mother will tell you not to nurse your baby to sleep, but this worked for us for a long, long time. I don’t really remember the transition being that hard, but it did take a few days.

A Naptime Routine

A naptime routine is a huge help in getting your child to take his or her naps! Our routine is very short:

Turn on the fan. Hold him, rocking gently and singing 2-3 songs (now we’re down to one). Put him in bed once he starts sucking his fingers. (He’s mostly grown out of this by now, but I’ve seen him do it a couple times lately.)

Tips for Creating Your Own Bedtime Routine

  • Do what works for you. Baths, books and storytelling, songs and night time rituals are good. I had a sister with a deathly fear of monsters; every night my mom sprayed her room with a “monster spray.”
  • Make your children comfortable. Every night for years our family prayed for “no needles in the bed, no throw up” to reassure another sister (who really did find a pin in her bed once, prompting the addition to our prayers).
  • If possible, put the most distressing task at the beginning of the routine.
  • Go slow and talk softly.
  • Use dim lights.
  • Involve your spouse in the bedtime routine. That way, if you’re ever called away (or out having fun!) at night, he’ll be able to take over with confidence and minimal disruption to the routine.
  • Use repetition. If your children are at the age where they want the same book(s) every night, use it to your advantage. We do things in pretty much the same order and sing the same lullaby every night.
  • Once I quit nursing Hayden to sleep, I put him down while he was still awake, but obviously on his way to sleeping. By now, I can put him down after one yawn or eye rub and he’ll go to sleep on his own.
  • Use a security object. It took months of us giving it to him every nap and night for Hayden to become attached, but now he really loves Marty, his monkey. He almost seems relieved to see him when he knows it’s time for sleep.

Our bedtime routine has helped Hayden go to bed well for almost anyone (Mom, Dad, Aunties and friends) and, I think, eventually helped him to sleep through the night. I can only hope our future children will benefit from our bed time routines, too!

Good luck creating your own bedtime routines!

See also the followup with more bedtime routine tips.

I should probably mention the books that really helped me with establishing a bedtime routine: Good Night, Sleep Tight by Kim West (with Joanne Kenen) and The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley.


I’ve been memed (again)!

I’ve been memed again! Wesley Jeanne of Mountain Mama tagged me for a “one word” meme.

One word meme
1. Where is your cell phone? floor
2. Relationship? check
3. Your hair? messy
4. Work? rewriting
5. Your sister? three!
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? tough…
9. Your dream car? Volvo?
10. The room you’re in? living
11. Your shoes? barefoot
12. Your fears? imperfection
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? home
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? SMX
15. What are you not good at? outgoing-ness
16. Muffin? Please!
17. One of your wish list items? time
18. Where you grew up? Durham
19. Last thing you did? ‘nuggle
20. What are you wearing? blue
21. What aren’t you wearing? shoes
22. Your pet? outside?
23. Your computer? desktop
24. Your life? awing.
25. Your mood? good
26. Missing? many
27. What are you thinking about right now? TV
28. Your car? new!
29. Your kitchen? brown
30. Your summer? travel
31. Your favorite color? blue
32. Last time you laughed? afternoon
33. Last time you cried? Tuesday
34. School? heart
35. Love? forever

How about this for tags: if you’d rather do this meme than the last one, feel free!