
Happy Fourth!

In honor of the Fourth of July, Independence Day, I have some recent pictures of Hayden evoking Betsy Ross.

Okay, it’s an excuse to post photos of Hayden in a hair net.

exultant scream


bonnet what?


tall bonnet!

Enjoy the holiday!


Follow through on comments

Have you noticed the “U Comment, I Follow” badges on many blogs? Even if you’re on Blogger, you can join the “Dofollow” movement.

What’s “Dofollow”? It’s a reaction to the automatic code that most blogging platforms attach to comment links (both the names of your commenters and any links they include in their comments). This code, rel=”nofollow”, was created to tell search engines that you don’t really trust this link, so they shouldn’t take this link as a “vote” for or endorsement of it.

Why should you remove “nofollow”? It’s like a nice little gift to give your commenters (and possibly an incentive for people to comment on your blog!). Here on MamaBlogga, our current policy is to remove the “nofollow” tags from your name link in the comments after you’ve made ten comments (handled via plugin). You can share the link love, too!

How to Remove Nofollow
You can remove the nofollow tag pretty easily. In fact, if you’re on WordPress, there’s an abundance of plugins that will do this for you quite painlessly (Andy Beard has an “ultimate” list of these). Other programs require a little bit of programming work, but it’s well worth it.

Moveable Type/TypePad
Moveable Type-based platforms are a little more tricky. In addition to adding a “nofollow,” they also implement a redirect. For example, instead of a link going straight to “” it goes first to “” (I made the numbers up) and then to “” Once again, this isn’t very nice as far as search engines go. For removing the nofollow and this redirect on Moveable Type, see Now is a Long Time Too. For TypePad, see ConverStations.

For Blogger, go to Layout>Edit HTML. Check the little “Expand Widgets Templates” box. Scroll down to the comments section (it would probably be useful to paste your code into Notepad and use the Find function). Find this code: <a expr:href=’data:comment.authorUrl’ rel=’nofollow’> . Delete the “rel=’nofollow'” portion and save your layout.

Update: this will remove the nofollow from comments when viewed on a single post, but not when viewed in a popup or separate window from Blogger. For example, when you view a single post on Miscellaneous Adventures of an Aussie Mum, the “nofolllow” is removed from the comments. However, if you view the same comments in a separate page or popup window, the nofollow is still there. Those second windows are on a Blogger domain, and as far as I know, there’s nothing you can do about it. ๐Ÿ™

(If you’re on the old Blogger template, this is found under Template>Edit HTML. The code to replace is <a href=”>$BlogBacklinkURL$>” rel=”nofollow”><$BlogBacklinkTitle$></a> you can’t remove nofollow from commenters .)

When making a comment on a Blogger/BlogSpot blog
Blogger will still use a similar redirect scheme to TypePad, only the link leads to something like “” However, as a commenter, you can get around this. If the blog allows, you’ll have three options on the comments: your blogger profile, Other and Anonymous. Your blogger profile is the default, but it creates a link to your blogger profile, and not your blog. However, if you select Other, you can enter whatever name and URL that you like.

Be sure to stay tuned next week for another helpful blogging tip and an exciting MamaBlogga announcement!

Product Reviews

LeapFrog Learn & Groove Musical Table

Rating: ***** (5 stars: A great product/I’m truly impressed with this product/My child truly loves this toy)
Brand: LeapFrog (Learn & Groove)
Product name: Learn & Groove Musical Table
Age range: 6-36 months
Gender-specific?: no

Description: This educational toy is a square table. It has removable legs, so you can set it on the floor for children who can’t pull themselves to standing or stand supported yet. It has nine “stations” or instruments. These stations include buttons, slides, piano keys, spinning rattles and other toys. There are two modes (music and words), and eachenjoying table station makes a different set of sounds in the two modes. There are also two volume levels and English/Spanish modes.

Child’s interaction: He loves this toy! It can entertain him for 10-15 minutes (and sometimes longer). We can play with it together, which can sometimes be difficult with these types of toys. He’s had it for five months now and he’s never really lost interest in it.

Does the product require assembly? Batteries? Yes, you have to put the legs on it. It requires 3 AA batteries.
Did you receive this product as a gift, purchase it new or purchase it used? We purchased it new.

tableIf purchased, where did you buy it? Target
Approximately how much did you pay for it? Around $40.
Did you consider this a good value at the time of purchase? I had hoped it would be a little less, but we had our heart set on this toy. Our son had already played with it at friends’ houses and we knew he’d like it.
Do you now consider this a good value? Yes.

Rating: ***** (Meaning: A great product/I’m truly impressed with this product/My child truly loves this toy)

Would you like to purchase this toy? Buy it online at Amazon today!


June GWP Aftermath

Another announcement today: Hayden is 17 months old now!

The official part of the June Group Writing Project is over (good thing, too, since it’s July now). However, I’m still accepting late submissions.

A few people, like OpinionMom and MommyZabs, have started copying the final list of entries. If you want to do the same, please do! Spread the love. But be sure to attribute that list to MamaBlogga (that’s M-a-m-a-B-l-o-g-g-a. One word, no spaces. The first M and the B are capitalized. I am a bit of a spelling nazi). One quick way to do this is to visit that post, go to View>Source (or just hit CTRL+U if you’re in Firefox). Scroll down to the list, highlight from <ul> to </ul> and copy and paste. Voila!

Also, a question: would you like to know the GWP topic in advance? If so, how far in advance?

Finally, thanks again to everyone who participated! I hope to see you all next time around.


June Group Writing Project Finale

I do have to start off the post with a little shoutout: Happy birthday to my sister, Jaime!

Time for the grand finale of the June MamaBlogga Group Writing Project.

That brings our total count of submissions—all most excellent!—to 39 40 (with one late entry). Even though I got a little off in my count during the week, we more than doubled from last time’s number!

All entries
Here is the complete list of entries that qualify for the prize:

Of course, we want to give a huge thank you to everyone who participated. I would love to know how each of you came to find the group writing project and decide to participate, and I hope that you’ll stick around MamaBlogga (and not just for next month’s GWP!).

Without further ado…

The winna!
Chosen at random, the winner of our a $30 gift certificate is <drum roll>…

Okay, Listen Up! by bellevelma

Congratulations, Bellevelma! The gift certificate is winging its way to you from Amazon right now! (I think it’s funny that the only person who specifically said what she’d do with the gift certificate happened to be the same entry randomly picked by the random integer generator, don’t you?)

Still working on your list? Even though we’ve awarded our prize, we’ll continue to accept, read, link to and comment on submissions through next week.

One late entry brought our grand total to 40. Thanks, Diane!


MamaBlogga’s Top 10

Whether you’re just visiting MamaBlogga for the first time or are an old friend, you may have missed some of the fun things that have been going on here. Here are the top ten most popular posts on MamaBlogga from June.

rockin' girl bloggerAnd more news: I want to thank Michelle of Scribbit and MommyZabs for nominating me as a Rockin’ Girl Blogger! Thank you both, ladies!

Now I’m supposed to nominate five more rockin’ girl bloggers (I hope that being nominated twice doesn’t mean I have to make it 10!). Man, that’s tough (especially since Michelle and Elizabeth both would have been on my list if they hadn’t nominated me!).

  1. Kasie Sallee, ~the art of life~. She’s on a mission to connect with other Artist Moms and offer support and encouragement. As a blogger with a mission, I love other bloggers with a mission!
  2. Shawn of Letters to my Daughters, in large part because I stopped by today and loved what I read of her interview with Karen Maezen Miller. And Shawn—zen to me is pausing to think while tickling your children, “This is it.” (I’m actually posting on something similar this week, so check in again!)
  3. Karen Andrews of Miscellaneous Adventures of an Aussie Mum. I’m excited for your redesign! I just unveiled a new design on MamaBlogga today (okay, so I just changed it to a three column layout), so I know how you feel!
  4. Wendy Piersall of eMoms at Home, even though I’m sure she already knows she is!
  5. And of course, my perennial favorites: like a clear blue sky by a good friend of mine ๐Ÿ˜‰ and Leezy Lindsey, by another good friend of mine. (You should both post A LOT more. What? You have lives? Pfft.)

Thank you again!!